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German WWII Collectibles
Dutch NSB WA Tunic Sleeve Patch
$300.00This NSB (Nationaal-Socialistisch Beweging) patch would have been worn on the arm of the black WA (Weerbaarheidsafdeling – the Dutch version of the Nazi SA) tunic. It is constructed of multi-piece black and red wool, bordered with what is believed to be hand-embroidered gold bullion. The “Wolfshook” logo in the center (derived from the Germanic Wolfsangel symbol) is beautifully and skillfully constructed of the same raised embroidered bullion. The only notable flaw is s small moth nip (see photos)…
German Daggers & Knives
SS Dagger — Rich. Abr. Herder (Richard Herder) Solingen
SOLD!Here’s a nice one, an early factory ground Rohm SS dagger by Richard Herder (aka Rich. Abr. Herder Solingen). The grip has a couple minor cracks on the front around the SS roundel, and a few small chips on the back near the upper guard, but otherwise only normal use wear that includes some minor scratches and dings…
German WWII Collectibles
23rd SS Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division “Nederland” Collar Tab
SOLD!Here is a mint (unissued) collar tab for the 23rd SS Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division “Nederland”. This SS collar tab features the correct silver-gray embroidered thread making up the wolfsangel (wolf hook) logo…
German WWII Collectibles
15th Waffen SS Grenadier Division “Latvian” Collar Tab
SOLD!Here is a really nice mint (unissued) 15th Waffen SS Grenadier Division “Latvian” collar tab. This Waffen SS collar tab features the correct silver-gray embroidered thread making up the logo on a black wool/felt-like cloth wrapped and stitched with white thread around a buckram stiffener…
German WWII Collectibles
SS Cap Skull by Deschler & Sohn, 2nd Pattern (RZM 1/52)
SOLD!This is an exceptionally nice second pattern Waffen SS Visor Cap Skull by Deschler & Sohn, with the correct RZM marking on the reverse (1/52)
German WWII Collectibles
SS EM/NCO Tropical Cap Skull – Uncut Strip of 6
SOLD!This is a mint set of 6 uncut BeVo World War 2 German SS Tropical Cap Skulls. Completely flawless, this set came with an SS Panzer Grenadier Westland Cuff Title in equally pristine condition. As shown in the photos, these skulls are correct in stitching, and completely in-tact with no stitching flaws to note. All SS cap insignia lay flat except the last one in the strip, which has a very soft crease across the lower left portion of the jawbone. This is as good a set as you’re going to find!
German WWII Collectibles
SS Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 10 Westland Cuff Title in BeVo
SOLD!A near-mint example of a WWII BeVo Wuppertal style Westland Cuff Title for the SS Panzer Grenadier Regiment 10. The stitching is perfect with no notable flaws whatsoever. The ends are completely in-tact (usually found cut), properly tucked and stitched. One of the ends clearly shows the “BEVO WUPPERTAL” words stitched into the fabric, something I’ve never seen in any other example; the words are usually hidden within the tucked portion of the fabrick. This is as good as it gets!
German Uniforms & Tunics
SS Tunic — 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division, Götz von Berlichingen
SOLD!A very nice M42 Panzer SS Tunic here from the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division, Götz von Berlichingen. All of the sewn insignia are original to this tunic, with no signs of post-war application or repair. As I sometimes do with SS items (especially cloth) I sought a second, and even a third opinion on this one from the most respected SS cloth collectors in the industry. After an in-hand inspection all are in agreement that everything about this SS tunic is genuine and period applied, with no signs of post-war application or modification…
German Daggers & Knives
SS Dagger — Early Eickhorn Ground Rohm with Swastika Die Error
SOLD!Here’s a real nice one, with a combination of qualities you’ll not find in another SS dagger! An early Eickhorn Ground Rohm SS dagger, in stunning condition, with an uncut Swastika arm on the grip eagle (see photos). The color tones in the grip are beautiful, mixing deep blacks with lighter brown tones (see photos)…
German WWII Collectibles
13th SS Freiwilligen Gebirgs Mountain Division “Handschar” Collar Tab
SOLD!Here is a really nice mint (unissued) 13th SS Freiwilligen Gebirgs Mountain Division “Handschar” collar tab. This SS collar tab was first issued in 1943 and features the correct silver-gray embroidered thread making up an image of a hand holding a scimitar on a black wool/felt-like cloth…
German Daggers & Knives
Early Ground Rohm SS Dagger by Gottlieb Hammesfahr
SOLD!A nicely aged Gottlieb Hammesfahr ground Rohm SS Dagger here for the collector looking for a great dagger at a great price! The grip has a couple of small chips on the reverse that are obvious in the photos, however the front of the dagger, which is the side that will display, is nice and free of chips and cracks!
German Daggers & Knives
SS Dagger by Robert Klaas with Serial Number
SOLD!We have here a very well preserved early SS Dagger by Robert Klaas with the SS Mann’s serial number on the underside of the lower guard (56423). The grip is solid, with no chips but a couple minor cracks that appear to be stable.
German Daggers & Knives
Early SS Dagger by Rich. Abr. Herder
SOLD!Here’s a nice, uncleaned SS Dagger by the highly desired maker, Richard Abr. Herder. This dagger has a lot to offer for a very low price! The decades of dirt and patina still present throughout make this dagger
German Daggers & Knives
SS Dagger by Maker 941/39 (Carl Eickhorn)
SOLD!We have here a nice late-war RZM SS Dagger by maker code 941/39, which is attributed to Carl Eickhorn. The grip on this SS Dagger is a nice deep black tone with several surface dings and scratches that only add to its character.
German Daggers & Knives
Ground Rohm SS Dagger by Rich. Abr. Herder
SOLD!Here’s a budget SS dagger from a very desirable maker, and a Ground Rohm to boot! If you’re in the market for an SS dagger, but have a tight budget, this is your chance to grab one priced to see with a ton of character that displays well! The grip is is excellent condition, with only minor dings and scratches.
German Daggers & Knives
Type I Chained SS Dagger
SOLD!Here’s a Chained SS Type I dagger with some interesting qualities, priced to sell! Perhaps the most obvious unique quality about this dagger is the use of SA guards. While not often encountered, many collectors have embraced the idea of surplus SA guards being applied to SS daggers in an effort to utilize the materials already sitting around in the factories.
German Daggers & Knives
Boker SS Dagger with Vertical Hanger
SOLD!Here’s one for the die hard Boker SS Dagger fan. Another example never before offered to the public. This dagger was recently purchased from a relative of the WW2 veteran who liberated it during the war, and has been packed away for decades! The grip is a nice even black tone that almost perfectly matches the color of the scabbard.
German WWII Collectibles
Waffen SS Temporary Concentration Camp Guard Collar Tab
SOLD!Here is a mint (unissued) collar tab for a Temporary SS Concentration Camp Guard Collar Tab. This Waffen SS collar tab would have been issued to German military personnel assigned to temporary duty as a concentration camp guard…
German Daggers & Knives
Ground Rohm SS Dagger by E.P.&S. Solingen
SOLD!Here’s a nice Early SS Dagger from maker E.P.&S. She’s a bit salty, but still a great dagger for the price! The grip is without any cracks or chips and shows almost no dings or dents, which is rare for an early SS dagger. The SS roundel is almost 100%, with only a very small piece of the black enamel missing, which we only noticed after viewing under magnification.
German WWII Collectibles
Waffen SS Bevo EM/NCO Runic Collar Tab
SOLD!Here’s a nice looking Waffen SS EM/NCO Bevo Runic Collar Tab. The “SS” runes insignia are a machine woven gray/silver on a rayon ribbed backing cloth. On the reverse we see the correct angled wrapping around a beige buckram stiffener. This SS collar tab was acquired directly from the veteran in a lot that includes several other SS insignia (many Dachau manufactured).
German WWII Collectibles
18th SS Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division “Horst Wessel” Collar Tab
SOLD!Great looking, mint (unissued) collar tab for the 18th SS Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division “Horst Wessel”. This SS collar tab has the correct silver-gray embroidered thread making up the SA emblem on a black wool/felt-like cloth wrapped and stitched with white thread around a buckram stiffener…
German WWII Collectibles
Waffen SS 29th Grenadier Division Collar Tab
SOLD!A very attractive, unissued Waffen SS 29th Grenadier Division Collar Tab here! We see with this tab the correct silvery-gray embroidered threading making up a logo similar to a Merit Cross with Swords. The backing material is a black wool/felt-like cloth wrapped and stitched with white thread around a buckram stiffener…
German WWII Collectibles
SS Totenkopf Dachau Skull Collar Tab
SOLD!Here’s a nice, minty, unissued SS Totenkopf Skull Collar Tab with the correct silvery-gray embroidered threading applied to a black wool/velveteen backing cloth wrapped and stitched around a buckram stiffener. This is the version known to have been manufactured at Dachau, and was acquired directly from the veteran in a lot that includes several other SS insignia (also Dachau manufactured).
German WWII Collectibles
SS Cap Eagle — Assmann & Sohne RZM SS 155/36
SOLD!Here’s a rare one! A nice early SS Visor Cap Eagle from maker Assmann & Sohne, RZM coded as SS 155/36. These don’t surface too often so snatch this one up while it’s still available! The patina on this SS cap eagle is superb! Both the front and back of the eagle shows honest age with no signs of ever having been cleaned…