SS Dagger — Eickhorn Transitional Ground Röhm Re-issue

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This is a fairly hard to SS dagger by Eickhorn, an Eickhorn Transitional SS dagger with both the early big Eickhorn double oval mark and the RZM 941/36 mark. The grip has a fair amount of nicks and scratches, as well as a couple small chips, but certainly nothing terribly unusual with these SS daggers The grip eagle is a bit worn and dingy, but nice enough. the guards have a nice patina that matches perfectly to the scabbard fittings as expected.

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This is a hard to find SS dagger, an Eickhorn Transitional Ground Röhm re-issue with both the early big Eickhorn double oval mark and the RZM 941/36 mark. These SS daggers were leftover SS Rohm’s later issued in 1936.

The grip has a fair amount of nicks and scratches, as well as a couple small chips, but certainly nothing terribly unusual with these SS daggers The grip eagle is a bit worn and dingy, but nice enough. the guards have a nice patina that matches perfectly to the scabbard fittings as expected.

The scabbard is in excellent condition with a nice black anodized coating and average age and wear. The tip ball is in great shape as well. The leather hanger shows its age, but is still complete and useable.

Based on the minor gapping we see between the blade and lower guard, this blade was probably period replaced. The assumption is made due to the amount of dirt and grime, as well as some normal rust found when carefully removing the blade from the dagger during authentication. It appears the blade has been seated for decades.

All in all, a very nice transitional Eickhorn SS dagger with a very attractive double marked blade, with minimal wear – a nice display piece.

1 review for SS Dagger — Eickhorn Transitional Ground Röhm Re-issue

  1. Darren

    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the post. You were very lucky to have had a friend who served in WW2, Patton’s 3rd Army nonetheless! I know I’ve already contacted you via email, but I wanted to also reply to your post. As I mentioned in my message, send me some photos and I’d be happy to review your dagger.

    Thanks again!

  2. tim mcallister

    I have a very similar SS dagger which I aquired over 30 years ago from a member of Patton’s 3rd Army. He had no children and I listened to his stories from the war (and mowed his lawn on occassion). Without a doubt it is an authentic piece. He also gave me a Hitler Youth armband, a couple pair of German motorized unit goggles, and a German picture book of Adolf Hitler. I have held on to these items without doing any restoration or tampering (tough when given to as an adolescent!), at this point I am considering selling off these items to pay for a vacation.

    What is the appropriate fair market value?

    Thank you for your consideration in advance concerning this matter.

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