We now offer affordable itemized appraisals on single items, or entire collections, with fees refunded if we end up purchasing your item(s).
For a nominal fee of just $50 for a single item, and $20 per additional item (up to $5,000 in total value), we’ll evaluate your item(s) and provide you with an itemized retail appraisal based on the current collector market.* If there are unique qualities about your item we’ll spell them out for you within the appraisal report as well. Items or collections valued at greater than $5,000 in total value will require a custom appraisal quote, which we’ll provide once we receive acceptable photos of all items. In some cases we may require the item(s) be shipped to us for in-hand inspection.
How it works:
- Complete the form and upload detailed photos using the uploader in the form below. Take these photos outside in the direct daylight showing the entire area of all sides of each item you’re looking to have appraised (we must see the entire surface area of each item – this includes the blade on any edged weapons). In the absence of daylight, shoot these indoors under very strong overhead lighting.
- Describe your item(s) as best you can. Photos typically speak for themselves, but they cannot always accurately show fine cracks, dents, dings, etc like the human eye. As well, tell us the story behind the item(s); how did you acquire it/them.
- Don’t send payment yet! Allow us to review your photos and description first to ensure that we can help. Once we’ve performed our review we’ll email you back with payment instructions and next steps (please make sure to check your Spam folder for emails from iBuyWorldWar2.com.
- Item research and appraisal. Once we’ve confirmed payment our team will perform a deep review of the photos you provided, itemize each item on an appraisal form, and provide you with a copy of your appraisal for you to do with as you wish. NOTE: If you’re also looking to sell your item(s) and we reach an agreement on a purchase price, all appraisal fees will be refunded upon purchase.
* The market is constantly changing so prices quoted today may not hold indefinitely. While our experts have decades of experience in most areas of WW2 collecting, there are some fringe areas where they are simply not experienced enough to provide an accurate appraisal. If this is the case we will notify you prior to accepting payment for services.